I, the undersigned (parent/guardian as applicable) hereby agree and acknowledge that Infant Aquatics Academy Partnership (herein thereafter referred to as IAA) is not liable for death, injury, loss or damage suffered by myself/partner/care giver or the children/ swimmers attending the IAA facility for whatever reason or contributed to by any cause whatsoever including but not limited to any negligent act and/or omission or breach of contract on the part of the company, its directors, employees, contractors, independent consultants or other member(s); that company premises would invariable be entered and departed (inclusive of the parking areas) entirely at my or my dependents own risk and that company equipment and facilities would furthermore be utilised on this very same basis that the company would not be vicariously liable for any loss or damage suffered by me, my dependents and/or other member(s) as a result of theft on the part of its independent contractors, consultants, or other members.
Diet is an important aspect of your child’s IAA lesson experience.We teach in a salt water pool, and certain foods curdle with any swallowed salt water and are more than like to induce vomiting.
The great news is that this is easily avoided by following these two simple steps:
1. Do not give your child anything to eat or drink 2 hours prior to the lesson (aside from water and greatly diluted juice).2. Do not feed your child any foods containing DAIRY, EGGS or FRUIT within the 6 hour window prior to the lesson.
If your child has eaten dairy, fruit or eggs within the 6 hours prior to the lesson please advise your Coach as a shorter lesson may be necessary.
If these guidelines are not adhered to on a consistent basis, parents could be subject to an instant fine.
**These eating guidelines, together with a comprehensive list of alternate foods, are also in the parent handbook pdf attached to your confirmation email
1. No recording or taking of pictures without permission from The Captain.2. Any child that is 4 years or younger must wear a conventional disposable SWIM NAPPY** underneath the special swim shorts issued by the school. This is in the interests of optimal health and safety standards.**Not the usual day to day disposable, but the specific disposable SWIM NAPPY!3. Please do not leave children unsupervised on the deck at any time.4. Help us keep calm and please remain in the waiting area or outside during lessons.5. Please do not engage with your child during lessons unless an instructor has asked you to. This is very often more harmful for you and your little sailor!6. Please have your child enter and exit the pool at their station to avoid unnecessary mess.7. We are always available for feedback and questions, either after our lesson or via mobile call/WhatsApp8. Remember we are professionals and this is a controlled environment. You child is safe with us!
**These rules are also in the parent handbook pdf attached to your confirmation email
Should you wish to cancel once a course has commenced or within two calendar weeks of a course commencing, no refunds will be processed. A refund/cancellation request may be submitted for executive review, emailed to info@iaacademy.co.za.
Any refunds authorised, will be issued in the form of lesson credits which must be used within a 12 month period from date of authorisation.
I, the undersigned (parent/guardian as applicable) hereby agree and acknowledge that Infant Aquatics Academy Partnership (herein thereafter referred to as IAA) deploys a 24x7 CCTV system on the site which is primarily used for Security Monitoring and Incident Investigations purposes.